High-profile folks across India, from billionaires to Bollywood actresses to the Prime Minister, joined the global chorus of tributes for Steve Jobs. Social activist Anna Hazare also jumped on the bandwagon — though perhaps a little late, given that the Apple co-founder and tech pioneer died last Wednesday.
India’s anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare, right, and supporter Kiran Bedi watch parliament proceedings on an iPad on the 12th day of Hazare’s fast against corruption in New Delhi, India, on Aug. 27, 2011.
Hazare took it a step further, praising the inventions Jobs helped create as revolutionary beyond the realm of technology, saying they played a role during his anticorruption campaign.
“Technology has been of great help for spreading awareness and organizing people and can be used as an effective tool for those who are suppressed and have to deal with injustice and corruption,” Hazare wrote in his blog. “Steve Jobs innovations have brought about a revolutionary change and are a great form of support. I have personally experienced this during my fight for Janlokpal Bill,” he added.
Hazare, 73, doesn’t come across as particularly tech-savvy. In fact, one of the few times Hazare crossed paths with an iPad was during his August fast, when policewoman Kiran Bedi used it to livestream the parliamentary debate on the Lokpal Bill. At the time, Bedi said Hazare was pleased with Apple’s touchscreen tablet. After the debate, she tweeted: “Shown Anna ongoing proceeding in Parliament on IPad as he does not have a TV in his room. He smiled and said ‘bahut achaa hai’,” Hindi for “it is very good.”
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