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Sunday, 11 December 2011

Maoist guerilla army targeting security forces

NEW DELHI: PLGA (People's Liberation Guerilla Army), which is celebrating its 11th anniversary from December 2, has called for intensifying its war against the state, essentially against the security forces, including the Indian Army, implying that the Red ultras would scale up their violent strikes.

Besides, Dandakaranya, where CPI (Maoist) has a free run, the PLGA has called for turning Bihar-Jharkhand into a "liberated zone". With joint forces focusing on West Bengal, Maoists are concentrating on Jharkhand and Bihar, where the heat on them is comparatively less.

"Let us develop PLGA into PLA and guerilla warfare into mobile warfare with the aim of developing Dandakaranya and Bihar-Jharkhand into liberated areas." the statement issued by comrade Deoji, member of the party's Central Military Commission (CMC), exhorted.

Calling out to people, especially tribals and dalits and all oppressed classes, to join the armed movement, the PLGA statement, dated November 20, criticized activist Anna Hazare and his team members for starting a non-violent struggle of the masses. "In order to divert the militant struggles of the people, NGOs run with the guidance of imperialists and those under the leadership of persons like Anna Hazare are bringing forth struggle forms like hunger strikes in the name of non-violence."

Maoists are worried over shrinking popular support, thanks to Team Anna's popularity.

"On December 2, PLGA completes 11 years. On this occasion, CMC is giving a call to celebrate the anniversary in all our guerilla zones and red resistance areas with the determination to defeat Operation Green Hunt (OGH)... In the People's War... nearly 150 best daughters and sons of the soil and ordinary people have laid down their lives since December 2010 to September 2011," claimed the outfit.

The statement declared, "As a consequence of distorted development... the impact of the world economic crisis is severe on our country too. Increase in corruption, unemployment, price rise, poverty and displacement, living conditions of the oppressed working class, peasant and middle class people became unbearable... Material conditions are ripening for revolution. Strikes and agitations of all sections of people are increasing. Economic struggles are turning into political struggles..."

Identifying some areas, where people's protest is on, the statement named "struggles like Lalgarh, Kalinganagar, Narayanapatna, anti-Posco, Niayamagiri, Mali, Deomali, Singareni, Open casts, Polavaram, Sompeta, Kakarapalli, Jaitapur and Greater Noida, Telangana, Kashmir..."

It urged people to join them. "Play your role in isolating and defeating the enemy! Join the PLGA...Integrate with the deluge of mass movements rising in several areas in our country... There can be no fundamental change without completely destroying the exploiting classes...Let us teach a lesson to the mercenary Indian Army which loots, repress and suppress the toiling masses by intensifying our glorious People's War," it added.


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