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Thursday, 3 November 2011

Anna Hazare should set house in order

Anna Hazare should think several times before going on fast again. He has to be aware that too many fasts can become counter productive. He has to set his house in order before using this Gandhian tool once more.
Anna Hazare should realise that his team members seem to be media crazy and are talking out of turn, creating doubts in the minds of the people. This has resulted in diluting the quality and spirit of his anti corruption movement. Further, there are many questions about the last fast held by Anna Hazare, such as huge expenditure incurred, type of people invited to share dais with Anna Hazare and call of Anna Hazare and his team members to gherao the parliamentarians  including the Prime Minister . Also, serious allegations have been made about the credentials of some of Anna Hazare's team members which have not really been denied but only attempts have been made to explain away… Gandhiji said that a man of truth should also be a man of care.

Building a movement in the name of anti corruption may be easy in today's country men's mood but sustaining the movement requires Gandhian standards of leadership and probity.  Gandhiji set personal example and used fast only as a method of self purification.  His fast never was accompanied by sense of hatred and violent ideas.

Anna Hazare and his team members still have a long way to go and have to reform themselves, if they have to really succeed in the most timely crusade that they have launched.


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