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Monday, 17 October 2011

Hazare on Kashmir

Anna Hazare has said that he is prepared to give his life for Kashmir (“His Kashmir views rankle Anna but Bhushan to stay in Team,” Oct. 15). Does he not know that over the last 60 years many have given their lives but the problem is becoming more and more intractable?

Mr. Hazare can play a role in remedying the situation by weaning youth away from violence. Empty rhetoric promoting a right-wing agenda is not the answer.

Baikadi Suryanarayana Rao,


The editorial warning to Team Anna to be as watchful of right-wing ascendency as it is of corruption (“Dangerous culture of intolerance,” Oct. 14) has proved prophetic so quickly, evidenced by Anna Hazare's reactions to the savage assault on Prashant Bhushan.

Instead of unconditionally condemning the assault, Mr. Hazare was harsh on Mr. Bhushan for expressing his views.

Such reactions, taken along with his rushing to oppose the Congress in Hisar, confirm the doubts about his and some of his team's right-wing leanings.

Kasim Sait,



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