AHMEDABAD: On Thursday, Sabarmati police finally registered a complaint in the assault of a former volunteer of Yuva Azadi, Dr Hemang Shah. Based on the complaint, Manish Brahmbhatt, convener of Yuva Azadi which had thrown its weight behind the Anna Hazare campaign against corruption, and four others have been booked for assault and criminal intimidation.
Dr Shah, who is a medical practitioner in Sabarmati, has alleged that he was beaten up by Brahmbhatt on Tuesday. Dr Shah claimed that he was assaulted because he knew about Brahmbhattas financial irregularities in the backdrop of the anti-corruption campaign. Dr Shah was taken to a private hospital in Sabarmati after the assault.
When his attempts to register a police complaint were dealt with more threats by Brahmbhatt, Dr Shah had written to the city police commissioner in which he had narrated the whole episode and also complained that Brahmbhatthad forced him to withdraw his earlier complaint.
On Thursday, Dr Shah told the police that he had disassociated with the group after knowing about the financial irregularities. Dr Shah has claimed that Brahmbhatt reached his house on Tuesday, verbally abused his family members and thrashed him. He has suffered injuries in his kidney and one of his ribs was fractured in the assault.
In his complaint, Dr Shah has said that many others were involved in such activities during Anna Hazare movement in the state. "For a fortnight, he had closed his dispensary and had been part of Hazareas anti-corruption movement. He claims that during this period, several persons also contributed money for the cause and the agitation. However, Manish was not putting some of the actual cash deposits on record. When Annaas hunger strike ended, a meeting took place near Vastrapur lake where Manish was also present," said a Sabarmati police station official.
"When people confronted him about the expenses, the records showed that I had donated money for the cause. I had only contributed with my time and not money. When I raised objection to this, Manish asked me to keep off the accounts. The expenses ran into lakhs. At this juncture, I thought I should distance myself from this movement. And I told this to people when asked. This angered Manish. First he threatened me over phone and then on October 11, he attacked me."
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