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Tuesday 23 August 2011

Don’t let cops take me to hospital: Anna Hazare to supporters

A frail Anna Hazare dramatically took to the podium at 9.10 pm on Tuesday, exhorting 25,000 supporters at the Ramlila Maidan to block the police if they come to forcibly take him to a hospital.
“If they come to take me, block the gates to stop them, but do so in a peaceful manner. Doctors told me today that my kidney can be damaged. I told them, no worries, I can get a replacement from any of the supporters here in front of me,” he told a cheering crowd.

On the eighth day of his fast, Hazare’s health started showing signs of deterioration. The social activist refused to discuss hospitalisation or being put on an intravenous drip to provide him glucose and essential electrolytes needed for normal neural and muscle function.

“We discussed hospitalisation with him today, but he refused to consider it. We told him if need be, we could put him on drip right there, but he said no to that,” Dr Naresh Trehan, chairperson and managing director Medanta Medicity,
told HT.
"The next 24 to 48 hours are sensitive as his health needs to be tracked more closely. From Wednesday, we’ll test his vital parameters twice a day instead of one,” said Trehan.

Hazare’s blood and urine samples are being taken twice a day and his blood pressure and pulse rate is checked after every three hours.  “If I die, there would be hundreds of Anna Hazares. (But) my inner voice tells me, nothing will happen to me,” Hazare told his supporters.


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